Department of Veterans Affairs built perhaps the most important medical computer system in history. click to vist article
The above link is to an article which describes how the office of Veterans Affairs built a superior data system from collaborative grass roots activities.
Maybe you have heard of the for want of a nail proverb, which explains how overlooking fundamental aspects of a larger project can cause catastrophic failure. You may have also
heard the statement "data is the new oil" that describes how important data is in today's economy.
Data is far more important than most business people understand. Business may thinks that by purchasing software they can solve the issue of data management. Purchasing software solutions, is similar to solving a literacy issue by hiring someone to read for you. If you purchased a set of manuals to will run your business, but they are in written Latin, and you don´t know how to read Latin, so you hire a specialist to read them for you. Then when you need to make changes, you must to go to these experts, and ask if they will make these changes.
The want of the nail, the nail you lack is the database, it is the fact that your business does not have full control of the most significant and fundamental aspect of what you do. Your business has overlooked how important data is, and has given up - the knowledge, and ability to freely make changes or understand the fundamental structure behind management.