How to use marketing tools, Locations and Contacts

How to add items for sale

Locations and Contacts are the nodes that build our directory. Locations represent an address on a map and can be a property,  business,  or organization. They appear on  maps for graphic sorting of data. People at a Locations are represented as comments under each Location. 

Comments on Locations have two types of text areas, one public and the other hidden. This information can only be seen by the Author and users with "Merchant" permissions.

You can search or sort Locations, and its comments, to find prospects for marketing in a variety of ways.

Location, and Comment maps, and  Marketing Data view are to search and sort this information. Locations are supervised by its author, collaborative sales can be structured by contacting author who may have a better relation with the contact, which can assist you with your transaction .  

"Contacts" represent important prospects, or prospects that have evolved into customers, and have more detailed information. Contacts are associated to "Users" and "Locations" via links fields added to users and nodes relating aspects to one person or location