Coming soon - a delivery route between Bell Air MD and Strasburg PA

Hello - Thank you for taking the time to watch this video short video,

My mane is,----------- I am a Tailor, and have a shop in Strasburg, Pennsylvania.

I operate a delivery service between Strasburg and Bell Air. 

I do alterations for both men and women, and would love to be the tailor that makes your custom clothing.                       .

In addition to tailoring - I am developing  a unique service that can best be described as the evolution of the valet.

This service is not expensive, saves you time and will make life more pleasant. 

Our route includes all the local merchants between these two cities along Pennsylvania 222 and US highway one.  

We have a catalog you can make selections from online, or you can simply text us and tell us what you want.  

Consider the value of a trusted person that is always looking out for you, that is at your beck and call, and will help you with your errands.

Someone who will understand what your want, someone who knows you. This is that ideal --- a full service attendant,  at a reasonable cost. 

In fact efficient, and valued enough to make our service indispensable to your quality of your life.

If you are a business we can help you reach new customers,  while are the same time help you get the things you need for your business.

Today life in general requires a lot  of running around, lets us ease your work load.

Please let us be of service, and thanks for watching.



What motivates this concept


I began working as a tailor with my father in Atlanta, when I was 13 years old. We hand made custom suits and did alterations for men and women and I now do the same thing with my son in Strasburg, Pennsylvania.

In these 50 years I have witnessed the disappearance of my trade, along with much of what was once made in America.(missing)

Small businesses struggle to stay in business as less and less of what we consume is made locally.  We fail to notice that this fact has changed the nature of our community, and diminishes the quality of our lives.

You may say that sewing all day, or factory-assembly work is demeaning. Somehow we consider standing at a counter or sitting at a desk more noble than sewing, or factory-assembly work. It is true that making a coat or a shoe is repetitious work, but, eventually your mind and the work become one, and like a mantra you will start to day dream while you work, You can talk to co-workers, listen to audiobooks and if you wish even get an education.

As a tailor I have noticed that we have forgotten what quality looks like.  I believe the reason we are losing the ability l to recognize quality is because we no longer produce what we consume, we have lost so many small and local businesses that we are no longer in touch with the people that make the items we consume. For example we may want more beef, but without contact with the butcher - how do we understand beef. Another example that is close to my hart, is that very few customers know anything about what makes a good suit of clothes,-  therefore many buy expensive junk because it is promoted by a label.    

I ask that you to give more consideration to the aesthetic qualities of life, instead of the materialistic make an attempt to shop local when you purchase items.

 The service I propose, offers you local services and products on a route that goes through Lancaster -York - Baltimore and DC.-- delivered to you in person.

I start by offering my tailoring services to you with added dry cleaning options, but please ask for anything, nothing is out of the question.

Look through our online catalog as we add new items, and businesses.

Please think of me as your tailor or valet and trust that I want to make your life easier, and you a loyal customer.

Simply text me, tell me what you need or want and I will bring it to you. I would like to provide a service that is so good, and so valued, that you
tell others, and we grow this business into a mechanism that improves the community we live in. 

Thank you for watching this video.